
Hi every one today I tolk abaout the revolucionary artist, his name is Banksy, this is the pseudonym of a prolific British street art artist. Although the data about his identity is uncertain, he was in the documentary called "Exit through the gift shop" but details of his biography are unknown. One of the things I like the most about his work, are his satirical pieces about politics, pop culture, morality and ethnicity, he combines writing with graffiti with the use of stencils. His works have become popular to be visible in several cities around the world, especially in London.

Even though Banksy's works may seem very different from each other, it is possible to identify some common traits or elements. The graffiti were made in public spaces, usually at dawn, without authorization from government entities. In general, all the works are loaded with a strong political mood, because they make social criticism and address current issues. Banksy applies a series of different techniques, although in most of his works he uses the stencil.

Among some of the works that I like most is the soldier throwing flowers, which shows a struggling subject with his face covered, who throws a bouquet of flowers instead of a warlike object and other works of Banksy.

                                             Soldier Throwing Flowers

                                               Stop and Search

                                                   Kissing Coppers


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