My best friend

Hi every one, today I tolk about a great friend, your’s name is Alejandro, I met them in 2004 when I studied in first year of primary school, in her we were classemate, since this moment we started a friendship than continuous until today. Later we entry in the same high school, the Liceo José Victorino Lastarria, in her our friendship is consolidate. Because we lived a lot of good and bad experiences. Also we did many many friends and whit them we always played football. Even after finishing high school, we went to work in the same place during that summer, in a company called Polemic, where we were peonetas.

He is a great friend, because he has always been a support for me and I for him, even in the worst moments. Nowadays he works as a tattoo artist, he is excellent in his work for the few years he has been doing it, that is why I think he will be the best tattoo artist in a few years.

I have many experiences with him, but one of the ones I remember the most was when we went to the beach with our classmates and we had a memorable weekend, full of games, music and alcohol.
It is for this and many other things that I hope that our friendship lasts many more years and that time makes us grow as better people.


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